
Thursday 12 July 2012

Eleni Foskett Interview!!

Eleni Foskett is a normal 14 year old girl, but she has been in a few TV shows. She was in Tracy Beaker Returns as Kitty (for 2 episodes) and in Coronation Street as Lyndsay (for 4 episodes)! Acting is what she loves to do, so yeah! Just enjoy the interview!

Q1. What is the highlight of your career?
I'd say everything; I love the fact that my 'career' is what I love to do 'act' I am so lucky in that respect!! :D

Q2. How many auditions have you been to?
Altogether? About 40 odd?

Q3. How old were you when you decided you wanted to be an actress?
I was about 6/7!

Q4. What was your reaction when you found out you were in Tracy Beaker Returns?
I was over the moon; my mum and I were literally dancing around the house! Hehe :')

Q5. Who was you closest friend on the set of TBR?
:D I love everyone on set; I can't pick a favourite! xx

Aw, so kind! Q6. As you've announced you have been playing Lindsay in Coronation Street for the past few days and it's your big scene tonight! Are you a fan of the show? :D
I love the show! :D I am so lucky and privileged to be part of the show!

Q7. If there was one show you could act in, what would it be?
Ermm, I'd love to do a comedy series; similar to Gavin and Stacey, that would be cool!

Q8. If you could meet anyone in the world, who would you meet?
Nelson Mandela :')

Q9. How did you get into acting?
I joined a ballet class when I was about 5 so I've always loved performing, then I joined a stage school ad eventually a drama class, I fell in love, haha!

Q10. What's your most embarrassing moment?
One time I tripped in a pool in-front of loads of people, that was pretty embarrassing :')

Q11. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Tibet, that would be awesome! :")

Q12. Any messages for fans?
I don't consider anyone as 'fans' I don't like that term, but I'd like to thank everyone for their support and loveliness, thank you! :)

Thats the end of our interview with the amazing and inspirational Miss Eleni Foskett! :'D

Wednesday 11 July 2012

"Life's not fair!"

This post is all about the quote "Life's not fair!" We're sure we've all heard it several times, but is this quote true? Most people see 'fair' as 'equal' but they are not the same thing. For example, Andy Murray lost the final last weekend, and was that fair? Yes! His opponent had spent years working on his backhand to succeed. For it to be fair, who would have won? They couldn't both have won, so it would never be EQUAL, but Andy's opponent spent every day for 2 and a half years practising! Does that make it fair? I think so!

So, fair isn't always equal. And we try to look at the world with open eyes and an open mind. New ideas, they're worth a try! You can't win if you never try! But, if someone has the new iPad, you shouldn't be jealous, you should just be happy for them. And know that you'll get something you love when the time comes.

We guess we think like this because We are optimists, but that's just us! And we feel sorry for the people that a pessimists or people that have to copy or cheat because they're not happy with themselves or their ideas! Ok, sensible head off! So SMILE! 'cause as we always say 'You only live once' so live life to the full!

Have a good day!

From Sammy+Tori! xx

Follow us on twitter @ToriSammyBlog

Sunday 8 July 2012

Kia Pegg Interview

Kia Pegg is a 12 year old girl, who has starred in many TV shows and films. She has been in The Quiet One (as Peewee), Tracy Beaker Returns (as Jody Jackson), Horrid Henry the movie (as Vicious Vicky), Toast (as the milk girl) and The Legend of Dick and Dom (as Barbara)! And she is starting filming tomorrow for The Dumping Ground, the spin-off of Tracy Beaker Returns. We decided to interview her because she's an actress, but also because she's a down to earth, kind, funny, amazing person!

Q1. How did you get into acting?
Kia said: I wanted to act when I was younger and asked my mum to take me to a lesson, I was 4. I have always wanted to act and used to do mini shows when I was three, like just for my mum and dad, on the fireplace pretending it was a stage!

Q2. How many auditions have you been to roughly?
Kia said: I can't say, a lot!

Q3. What is the highlight of your career?
Kia said: I can't say, TBR I guess, but the whole experience has been so amazing it would be impossible to choose! I loved every second!

Q4. What was your reaction when you found out you were in TBR?
Kia said: I was stunned and really excited!!!!!!! I didn't know what to say.

Q5. What's your most embarrassing moment?
Kia said: I can't say, maybe almost getting into the wrong car at the services but I have so many to choose from!

Q6. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Kia said: Narnia, without a doubt!

Q7. If you could meet anyone in the world, who would you meet?
Kia said: Johnny Depp and Helena Bon Carter (again hbc)

Q8. Who was your closest friend on set?
Kia said: we all got on so well, I couldn't say! It's like a family!

Q9. If you could act on any TV show/film what would it be?
I'm not sure what I would like to act in next, there is so much out there!

Q10. Do you have any messages for your fans?
I don't class people as fans, they are people who like my character, the word 'fans' is weird!

That's all we have time for! Thanks for reading, chat to us on twitter @ToriSammyBlog

Shout outs too...
Kia Pegg- for doing our interview
Anjli Mohindra- for taking the time to read our blog!
And all our readers! You don't know how much this means to us :')